• The Lift and Escalator Contractors Association (LECA) was established in 1971. It is a non-profit-making organization, and the Members of LECA are major lift and escalator contractors in Hong Kong.

    LECA presents the lift and escalator industry as a specialized profession and promotes international standards and expertise within the industry.

    The objectives of LECA are:-

    The attainment of a consistently high standard of competence in the lift and escalator industry;
    The promotion and cultivation of safety in the lift and escalator industry;
    The provision of all necessary steps for the general advancement and improvement within the lift and escalator industry so as to serve better the public of Hong Kong;
    The representation of those engaged in the lift and escalator industry in Hong Kong in negotiations and discussions pertinent to the industry as a whole in Hong Kong;
    The furtherance of training in the lift and escalator industry; and
    The employment of the funds of the Association for the purposes and objects of the Association.